Thursday, September 07, 2006

Oh, and by the way...

...don't mind us, we'll be building another building or 47. Hmmm. I don't recall hearing about anything other than a new chemistry building and the walkways and whatnot. Then again, I've been pretty distracted this summer, so I'm willing to give the PTBs the benefit of the doubt. However, I request full disclosure of all further building plans for the next 30 years or so. In triplicate, on acid-free paper. Thanks.

Reminds me of a classmate's quip a few years back that when he was a rich alum, he'd give money to tear down a building and replant some grass. (I'm paraphrasing, but I think that's pretty close.) And you know, I may be a peniless young alum yet to really make her way in the world, but I shudder to think of how little green space may be left by the time my currently nonexistent children matriculate. (Yes, El Novio has been informed that is where my children will be going.) Oh well, I'll just be relieved it's not another Frank Gehry heap o' metal.

I should stop procrastinating, shouldn't I.


The Tiger said...

Well, at least they're planning to get rid of Butler. That's something.

And they did get rid of one building near Nassau Hall in the late 1960s, I think...

La Cot said...

That's true, I ought to give some credit where it's due, and the proposed new Butler does look like a significant improvement. Although, our Butlerite friends may protest. I did think the "Waffle Ceilings? You're just jealous!" sweatshirts were a nice touch.

The Tiger said...

I'm still not thrilled with it -- I much prefer the old-fashioned style of the upper campus, the grad school and the slums.

La Cot said...

It's a significant improvement over the current Butler...but I agree: I, too, prefer up-campus. Collegiate Gothic cannot be improved upon.